Browse the School’s full catalogue of courses, events, programs and other learning tools. For recommended learning by theme or community, view our Learning paths.
This job aid compiles a list of links to Indigenous-related articles, books, resources and other scholarly research that can be used to expand and build on our current understanding of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in Canada.
This event recording provides hiring managers with an overview of the amendments to the Public Service Employment Act, including new sub-delegated staffing authorities and the requirement to conduct an evaluation of assessment methods to identify and remove biases and barriers or mitigate their impacts, among other important changes.
This course bridges theory into practice by examining the strategic role of senior HR practitioners and their ability to provide informed guidance on strategic HR decisions.
This online self-paced course for new internal auditors provides a tour of the internal audit process and how internal auditors add value to their organization.
This online self-paced course provides an overview of transfer payment program authorities, the parties involved in the approval process, and the key steps to complete before launching a new program.
This online self-paced course provides an overview of business continuity management programs in the federal government by exploring their governance, methodology and cycle.
This event recording presents best practices and strategies for navigating the procurement process in the federal government, as described in the Manager's Guide: Key Considerations When Procuring Professional Services.
This course provides an overview of the proper handling of information and privacy requests, detailing the customary roles and responsibilities and how to apply the most common exemptions and exclusions. Participants will learn how to process access to information and privacy (ATIP) requests and provide valid recommendations on the disclosure of information.
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