Browse the School’s full catalogue of courses, events, programs and other learning tools. For recommended learning by theme or community, view our Learning paths.
It is often necessary to brief busy leaders in two minutes or less. This video presents, in two minutes, a simple, effective model that will help you develop to the point strategic briefing in order to help leaders make the best decisions possible for their organizations and for Canadians.
This online self-paced course introduces a four-step process to writing an effective briefing note: plan, research, draft and review. Participants will learn how to use this approach to prepare clear, concise and strategic briefing notes that are in line with their communication goals.
This online self-paced course explores speechwriting as a unique form of professional writing and is intended for anyone wishing to improve their ability to create a compelling written narrative.
This course explores the power of resiliency in managing change and helping people thrive as individuals in the face of uncertainty. Participants will be introduced to four resiliency and change management strategies, and will create an action plan to immediately put these strategies into practice.
This job aid lists recommended courses, learning tools and other resources to help support public servants who are working as part of a team in a virtual or hybrid workplace.
This online self-paced course presents techniques for prototyping and testing new ideas when iteratively developing solutions with stakeholders. Participants will explore different prototype methods, including conducting usability tests and using heuristics in expert reviews.
This online self-paced course reviews the typical trouble spots when dealing with an angry customer and examines simple techniques to follow when responding to these types of situations. Participants will learn how to respond to a customer complaint by defusing the situation, investigating the problem, and reaching an agreement on a solution.
This online self-paced course (2 of 3) frames innovation as an opportunity and presents helpful techniques for identifying and understanding the needs of partners and stakeholders. Participants will learn about the importance of finding opportunities, taking the time to understand stakeholder needs, and reflecting on how innovation applies to their work.
This online self-paced course reviews the monitoring of project costs and the controlling of resource requirements using the Plan Resource Management, Estimate Activity Resources, and Acquire Resources processes. Participants will learn best practices for estimating and acquiring the necessary resources for their projects, as well as developing and managing the project team and optimizing resources throughout the project life cycle.
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