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This article explores the practical applications of generative artificial intelligence in composing inclusive-language text and conducting inclusive-language reviews, as well as how to formulate prompts for optimal output.
This article explains the basic concepts of cyber security in a Government of Canada context and describes the simple actions that will help keep organizations safe from cyber threats.
This article explores how Microsoft OneNote and other digital shortcuts can be leveraged to streamline workflows and increase productivity in the workplace.
This article provides an overview of the Internet of Things, including its core concepts, functionalities and use cases, as well as the potential risks and concerns associated with it and how to address them.
This job aid serves as a guide to composing point-of-view (POV) problem statements to better frame a problem from the perspective of the stakeholders involved.
This job aid explains stakeholder mapping, a process for visually representing the various individuals and groups involved in the solution design process and how to engage with them.
This job aid describes two techniques, brainstorming and brainwriting, which teams can use to generate new ideas for addressing known problems when designing products or services.
This event recording features highlights from an executive panel discussion on the experience of designing and delivering modern, data-driven services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This event recording explores how automation tools can be used by finance and audit professionals to uncover previously hidden risks, anomalies and potential fraud in the government's financial data.
This event recording features a demonstration of Namara by ThinkData Chief Executive Officer and co-founder Bryan Smith, followed by a discussion with Vik Pant, Chief Scientist at Natural Resources Canada, about the life cycle of data projects, the importance of data standards, and the value of the enormous amount of data that exists within government.
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